Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Special Post and a Certain Youtuber

A Personal Message for those Who've  Read Here Before:

I won't lie to you. I have no reason to. I've been gone for so long and havent posted anything because my life bottomed out hard. I was doing things i had no business doing with people I had no business doing it with. So for that, I'm sorry. You, as a reader, dont deserve abandonment, and I am deeply hurt that I had to be away for so long. So, if you'd forgive and forget, that would mean the world, for I'm on the road to recovery.

I'd also like to take time to talk about a certain youtube personality, one that kept me from the brink. I'm talking about Markiplier, and through his silliness and shenanigans, I realized that there was hope after all. Now, I'm not asking you to try and get it to him, nor am I reaching for sympathy.  I wanted to apologize for not providing to you the content that I love to provide to you, or any stray person who comes across it. That being said, I stay busy, but I will not do this again. We will all get back to fart jokes, ninjas, little blue robot boys and everything else this blogs about pretty soon :) Also, I'll start posting art of mine if you'd all like, I'd be more than happy to

Tyler (This blogs devilishly handsome writer.)