Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tales From the Darkside Reviews V

Tales From the Darkside,

Season 1, Episode 1: "Trick or Treat"

This episode is a tad rocky. A greedy rich old man holds a game every Halloween in which local children have to venture into his home and locate their parent's IOU's in order for the debt to be cleared. Somehow....a witch shows up? And all she ever does is cackle. Aaannnnd....she throws the IOU's everywhere like she's making it rain. Then the old man goes to hell....yeah.

Good: It wasnt great but it set a solid foundation for the series,  and definitely starts the tone that would be carried through the other episodes. The acting is pretty well done, and the imagery is creepy.

Bad: Despite the setup, it's got virtually no means to segue into the next bit of story. The cackling witch has no rhyme or reason to be there. A kid we're barely introduced to in the beginning ends up winning the IOUs that set his family free of debt. And the old man stumbles into a room in his house that conveniently houses hell itself. Shit got weird, man.

Overall, not a terrible episode, but a far cry from the lineup later in the series.

Grade: 5/10

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