Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Dragon Ball Z "Dorakeshi Keshi-Gomu" Toys [Quick Collector Guide]

I'm sure if you're a connoisseur of the various toys of the 1980's that you've at least heard of (if not owned) the M.U.S.C.L.E figures, tiny rubber guys that were often traded on the schoolyard like a 5th graders version of a drug deal. These popular little guys are based off of the classic (and underrated) manga/anime series, Kinnikuman, which was the predecessor to the equally popular Ultimate Muscle series that was on 4Kids in the early 2000's.

Did you know that Dragon Ball Z got the same treatment, though? That's right, through the early to mid '90s, Bandai produced several series' of mini rubber figures, called "Dorakeshi Keshi-Gomu", that typically only cost a quarter and came in a variety of colors, ranging from bright primaries to a light tan. To the collector of Dragon Ball Z merch, these are apparently rather hard to come by (as are the other Muscle figures), but are quite rhe goldmine if you manage to find them. While prices vary, these adorable guys are definitely worth a purchase.

Later variations of the series would feature accessories (which I'll show below) and different colored snap-on clothing for different characters (like 18's Western attire or Freeza's armor). Either way, well worth a look, and aren't impossible to get your hands on, as they often come in 20 piece sets. Just be aware that should you choose to seek them, they are very tiny and immobile  (hence the quarter price), but make really cute little display pieces you can use to impress your friends.

Just so you have an idea of what these little guys look like, I'll provide you with some characters:

A yellow variant of 18, wearing her western wear while having her hands on her hips...and a very unimpressed looked on her face.

An angry looking tan colored 17 powers up. Note how his waist shows his upper and lower halves are in two pieces, allowing for at least a little mobility.

Green Piccolo charges his Makankosappo in adorable fashion.

This one is quite interesting for featuring accessories alongside the main figure. As you can see, Imperfect Cell comes with not only a little card, but attachable tail and wings, plus minis of his egg and larval forms.

Tan Perfect Cell stands at the ready, arms folded.


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